
Setup of bicycle repair business

Ayidaana Apuku dropped out of school at age 12 as his family could no longer pay for his uniform or books. Before he joined a training programme, he was working on the family farm, growing maize, sorghum, and ground nuts.

Having trained with TRAX and Tools for Self Reliance in bicycle repair, Ayidaana set up his own business, which is now thriving.

“I am very grateful for the opportunity to learn a skill to help me in the future.”
Ayidaana Apuku, Ghana


He manages his money to ensure that he can pay for everything he needs to, as well as start saving, and he has even taken on an apprentice, so that he can help someone else to earn a living, as he has had the opportunity to do. Before the training and setting up of his shop, Ayidaana was not working for nine months of the year – now he can pay a labourer to do his share of the family farm work, and support his family with farming costs such as sees or fertiliser.

Ayidaana said that he now feels content with life, and has a purpose.

Thank you for the tools and training support. It has given us a life chance.

Stephen Christmas,
Carpentry and building training, Uganda

Setup of bicycle repair business

Case Studies