Joseph Mpodna is 30, with two children. He learnt about motorcycle repair from his uncle, and set up his own business in 2006, but wanted to develop his business and earn more money. He took part in a training course with Tools for Self Reliance and the Foundation for Education and Social Development aimed at supporting existing enterprises with business skills training. Prior to the training, Joseph didn’t keep records, and could lose track of money owed to him.
Since taking part in the training, Joseph says the business is running more effectively, and keeping records helps him to plan. He has separate bank accounts for business and personal use, and has invested in a better stock of spare parts. Before, his customers were all individuals in the local community – now he is better placed to work with NGO’s and companies, and has secured several contracts.
In five years, we will have a big workshop that we own and will take on our own trainees.
Isaac Mwesigwa,
Carpentry training, Uganda