
Marjorie Sondashi

When Marjorie joined a Tools for Self Reliance training programme, she was not working, and had no experience in tailoring. As part of the course, she learnt how to cut out patterns, and how to use the different functions on the machines. She particularly valued the business training, which demonstrated how to keep records and accurately price items produced. Marjorie also felt the life skills and health awareness training, particularly information about living positively with HIV / AIDS was important.

When she graduated, Marjorie formed a small enterprise, Royalty Tailoring Group, with 4 other women from the course. They share the income generated equally and have opened a bank account which they are using to put aside money in saving – these funds will be used to pay three months initial rent on a shop in the local market, and enable them to target a wider audience.

With her new income, Marjorie has been able to pay school fees for her own children, and uniform for her nephew. She enjoys having her own income, and control over how she spends it. She said, “Working together in a group ensures we all stay motivated and can encourage each other.”

In five years time, with my farming and tailoring, I will be a powerful business woman

Clara Chabula,
Blessings Tailoring Group, Zambia

Marjorie Sondashi

Case Studies