
Rogers Kalinga

Rogers lives in Kabushi with his wife and children. His wife has a small business selling charcoal, and before taking part in a training course with Tools for Self Reliance and KEVTC, Rogers worked with her. He wanted to learn a skill in order to better support his family, and signed up to learn bricklaying. He enjoyed learning how to set a house, lay bricks and floor and plaster, and passed his trade exam at the end of the course. After graduating, Rogers began working as a builder on a self employed basis, and has already built 8 houses locally. He uses his extra income to pay school fees for his children, buy food, and pay utilities.

Rogers says that being able to more easily meet the needs of his family has made a huge change to his life. His family are proud of him, and he has ambitious plans for the future – in five years time, he intends to have a new house for his family, his own business, and be employing others. He believes continuing to provide such training opportunities is vital, “Zambia has a problem with unemployment. Helping people to acquire skills will enable them to look after their family and deal with any problems they have.”

I feel strengthened by the machines and the training.

Eutropia Mbunda,
Mbinga Tailoring Group, Tanzania

Rogers Kalinga

Case Studies