
Join us for our fundraising events, from craft workshops to tool sales and tea parties.  Or why not take on your own challenge to support our work?

Take on a challenge

Take on a challenge for Tools for Self Reliance

Are you a keen runner, cyclist or swimmer? Can you climb any mountain, ford any stream? Maybe your’re planning a sky dive, or can’t think of anything more impossible than a sponsored silence?

Whatever challenge you’re taking on, you can help raise vital funds, giving young people access to vocational training and business development projects across Africa, and supporting our tool refurbishment programme in the UK. 

Please email or give us a call on 02380 869697 to tell us about your event. We’ll send you a sponsorship pack and help you promote your challenge too.

Secure your space on the starting line.  Search for organised events in your area, from local park runs to sea swims. Register to secure your spot, start your training, and begin collecting sponsorship from your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.

Get your great idea in gear.  Pop a callout on your group chat, don your Lycra and hold a ‘cycle to school’ day, or ‘cycle to work’ week.  Take the lead in a line-dance, or start the longest conga in five counties.  Your get together will keep you fit, having fun and raising money at the same time!

Make a spectacle of your skills.  Put together a 1000 piece puzzle in under an hour or recreate a Rembrandt… with a blindfold on.   Invite people to join in, or cheer you on from the sidelines if you prefer to go solo?

Bite your tongue.  Do you have a reputation as a chatter-box, or seem to be one of the louder people in the room? Why not set yourself a challenge and have a sponsored silence for the day.  Of course, you can communicate by other means, but your mouth will have to stay stumm.  How long with you last?  How much will people pay to find out?


If you’d like a sponsorship form or more information, please contact or telephone 02380 869697


Tool Sales at our Netley Marsh Workshop

Come and browse our huge selection of quality refurbished tools and help us raise vital funds for our overseas training projects.


Garden Tool Sale and Special Shop Opening

Saturday 22nd March, 10am – 12 midday

Netley Marsh Workshop
Ringwood Road
SO40 7GY

We will be offering surplus hand and electric garden tools. Plus, our on-site shop will be opening specially for the duration of the sale with a great selection of haberdashery and sewing notions, workshop tools and more.  This will be an outdoor event, weather permitting.


Tool & Haberdashery Spring Sale

Saturday 5th April, 10am – 12 midday

Netley Marsh Workshop
Ringwood Road
SO40 7GY

Come along and find all the essentials you need for your household, gardening and crafting projects. Browse our extensive range of hand tools for the workshop and garden, sewing machines, haberdashery and craft supplies at reduced prices to clear stock.


Tools on Tour - Come and visit us!

Some of the tools we receive are not suitable for our overseas training projects, or are surplus to requirement.  

This year we have raised over £25,900 from taking our tools on tour to local shows.  Every sale makes a big difference – by keeping good quality tools in circulation you are supporting young people into vocational training courses and ensuring they are equipped to build a sustainable livelihood. Thank you!

Do you know of a show that would like Tools for Self Reliance to get involved? Please get in touch by emailing: 

Craft Workshops

Our lovely Craft2Craft volunteers have been helping us raise funds for over 10 years!  They are back with a brand new suite of afternoon workshops for 2025.  These 2-hour sessions are a great way to explore and indulge your creativity, make new friends and drink tea and eat cake.

Time:  2pm – 4pm
Location:  Tools For Self Reliance HQ, Ringwood Road, SO40 7GY

Thursday 20th and Thursday 27th March 

Two part workshop – Traditional patchwork blocks 

Bring your own sewing machine to our two part workshop, to learn some traditional patchwork blocks and make a cushion cover. Tickets are £30 per person with materials hot drinks and homemade cake provided.  Don’t forget to bring your sewing machine with you!

Book now on 02380 869697 or email


Thursday 10th April

Spring Flowers 

Make a spring flower – a tulip or a daffodil or bring your ideas with you to make something else! All materials (and cake) provided. Tickets are £15 per person.

Book now on 02380 869697 or email




Thursday 19th June

Make an Apron 

Make an adults or a child’s apron (or both if you’re quick). All materials provided but please bring your own sewing machine if possible.  Tickets are £15 per person.

Book now on 02380 869697 or email



17th July

Cross Stitch Cards

Work from a kit or choose your own design.  All materials provided plus hot drink and cake.  Tickets are £15 per person.

Book now on 02380 869697 or email




Sponsor an Event

Are you looking to build your business or looking for new marketing opportunities? You can sponsor one of the Tools for Self Reliance events, in exchange for your sponsorship, we can promote your logo and business through out our advertising and at the event.

Sponsoring a charity is a great way to showcase your services whilst giving to a great cause. Every event hosted by Tools For Self Reliance is all in aid of raising funds to get tools and training to people in Africa. Please help us achieve this!


If you are interested in sponsoring one of the Tools For Self Reliance events, please contact for more information, or telephone 02380 869697

Where we work