Leave a gift in your Will

A gift left in your will to Tools for Self Reliance can unlock a fantastic future for many young people in Africa for generations to come.


For over 45 years, Tools for Self Reliance has been working to make the vision we share a reality; a world free of poverty where people can use their skills and energies to meet their needs and aspirations.

We empower people to overcome barriers to building sustainable livelihoods through providing holistic packages of vocational training. We have supported over 35,000 people across five countries in Africa to achieve qualifications and unlock doors to employment — giving them the means to move out of poverty and become more financially resilient.

But we’re not done yet and by including a gift in your Will, you can be part of this work too.

You will be enabling us to plan for the future and unlock the skills future generations need to build sustainable livelihoods.

After ensuring your loved ones are looked after, leaving a gift of any size will mean a great difference to people in poverty today and in the future.

These very special gifts are crucial to making sure our vital projects can continue for years to come.

We’ve partnered with Farewills, the largest will writer in the UK, to offer a free will writing service to our supporters.

We trust them to put your wishes first. They have won multiple awards for their service, including National Will Writing Firm of the Year 2019, 2020 & 2021 at the British Wills and Probate Awards.

Working with them you can write your will online for free, or work with one of their trained experts to create this over the telephone.

After ensuring your loved ones are looked after, a gift of any size left to us, will mean you are helping to expand access to training and a sustainable livelihood for future generations.

Find out more about the work our volunteers have been doing for generations to make a difference today.

If you would like to discuss this further, please call us on 02380 869697 or email info@tfsr.org.


Where we work