In June CEO, Sarah, and Africa Programme Manager, Ash, visited Zambia to meet our project partners. They had the opportunity to meet trainees enrolled on our vocational courses. Osward and Michelo are just two of the twenty young people gaining skills that will empower them to earn a livelihood in the future.
“I am using the funds to help my family out.” Osward Ngulube
Osward Ngulube finished primary school, but he didn’t have the financial support to continue with his further education. Leaving school with no formal qualifications, he was unable to find formal employment so he began taking on piece work as a building labourer. But having married, and started a young family, Osward was looking for a more sustainable future.
Osward heard about our local partner Chichetekelo Outreach Partners (COP), and was delighted to be accepted onto their training course in bricklaying and plastering in March. He explained, “I choose bricklaying as I had some experience in the building sector so I can earn money quickly. I can lay bricks, set foundations, different bonds, plastering, tiling, and flooring. I would like to learn welding too when I have finished so I have more skills to use.”
Osward is already finding building and plastering jobs in Kabwe, earning up to 400 Kwa a day. With this income he can support his family and save towards his future. He said “I will use the money to go back to school and complete my education. Also, I will use some money to begin my business.”
Over the next few months, Osward will sit modules in business skills, including leadership and management, financial planning, record keeping and marketing. Thanks to our supporters, whose donations have enabled this project, Oswald can gain practical and business skills, and an accredited qualification at the end of his course. Osward can look forward to earning a sustainable livelihood and building his own future.
“I can see a change, before I did not have any skill. Now I can name the tools and make things like chairs and beds”. Michelo Habalim
Michelo Habalim lives in Kabwe with her mother and her young son. She had to leave secondary school early, and at age 19, without any qualifications she was unable to find work.
Michelo saw a poster about the training on offer with Chichetekelo Outreach Partners (COP) and encouraged by one of her friends, she applied to join their training programme. She started a 12 month vocational training course in carpentry in February of this year and is learning to make furniture.
So far Michelo has learned to plane and prepare wood, cut timber and produce a range of joints for specific applications. She is now able to make chairs, tables and beds, and tells us her favourite item to make is a chair as it gives her the best opportunity to practice her joinery skills.
Michelo has successfully taken three exams and is now preparing for her finals. She is already looking ahead to starting a business with other graduates when she completes her training.
With support from people like you, more people like Michelo can build an income for tomorrow. To make a donation today please click here and give a one-off or regular gift. Thank you.
August 2022